休斯顿的经济与全球贸易和外国投资紧密相连, serving as the base of operations for the international oil and gas exploration and production industry as well as for many of the nation's largest international engineering and construction firms. The region has trading relationships with over 200 countries and is also a key center for international finance, 西南领先.S. with 17 foreign banks from nine nations.
自2009年以来, 500多家外资企业在休斯敦市区宣布了700多个项目, 横跨65个行业,来自近40个国家.
With over 80 different nations represented, 休斯顿是美国第三大领事馆的所在地. 了解更多 about the 休斯敦总领馆 and the countries that maintain an active diplomatic presence in our region.
在德克萨斯州经营的外国公司在过去五年中增加了21%的就业机会. The report by the Global Business Alliance trade group shows foreign direct investment (FDI) accounts for more than 678,德州有1000个工作岗位, with roughly 30% of those in the manufacturing sector.
President Laurentino Cortizo came to Houston in July to celebrate the five year anniversary of the expansion of the 巴拿马 Canal and discuss opportunities to further expand trade between Houston and Asia and other global markets through 巴拿马.
作为一个繁荣的全球城市,休斯顿的联系延伸到世界各个角落. The region's geographic location makes it easy to move both goods and people around the world efficiently.
休斯顿是美洲最大的国际贸易中心之一. 事实上,该地区的经济与出口的关系比美国其他任何大都市都要大.S. The region has trading relationships with more than 200 countries and for 37 of those countries, 贸易总额(进出口)每年超过10亿美元.
This publication examines Houston's place in the global market and provides insight into our major trading partners. 休斯顿与全球经济的联系也随着这座城市的发展而增强, 在很多方面, those ties propelled Houston’s growth. 该地区的命运现在随着全球经济的兴衰而起伏, making it even more important to examine our ties to the global economy and what they portend for Houston’s future growth.
休斯顿机场系统是北美最大的多机场系统之一. George Bush Intercontinental Airport and William P. Hobby Airport offer direct passenger service to 118 domestic and 71 international destinations via 28 different airlines. 总共处理了461件,425 metric tons of air freight in 2017, 其中一半是国内的,另一半是国际的.
该地区是包括休斯顿港口在内的许多港口的所在地, 加尔维斯顿, 自由港和德克萨斯城. The 港口 of Houston ranks first in the nation in foreign tonnage and is the largest container port on the Gulf Coast.
The Greater Houston Partnership, Houston 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Transition Initiative (HETI) and the Center for Houston's Future invite you to the annual Future of Global 皇冠HGA010官方下载 presented by Shell USA, 公司. …
The Greater Houston Partnership, Houston 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Transition Initiative (HETI) and the Center for Houston's Future invite you to the annual Future of Global 皇冠HGA010官方下载 presented by Shell USA, 公司. As global energy demands increase, we face a critical question: How do we balance economic growth with the need to reduce carbon emissions? This conference is where industry leaders, 政策制定者, 创新者, and academics gather to find solutions. Themes of this year's conference include: Understanding Local and Global 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Demand: What does growing demand mean for Houston's energy industry? Balancing Growth and Sustainability: How can we meet energy needs while reducing our carbon footprint? 投资机会:阻碍低碳皇冠HGA010官方下载解决方案投资的因素是什么, Hga010皇冠软件下载怎样才能改变这一点呢? Houston's Role in 创新: Discover how Houston is driving economic growth while pioneering new energy technologies. 利用伙伴关系:探索如何跨行业协作, 学术界, and government can accelerate progress. Conference activities include: Morning plenary: Understanding the growing local and global energy demand and what that means for Houston Startup 创新 Expo showcasing Houston’s progress in technology development across all energy transition pathways 午餐会主题 Poster competition showcasing the innovative ideas of college/university students for meeting the dual energy/climate challenge Breakout sessions covering themes like: 不断增长的全球皇冠HGA010官方下载/电力需求将从何而来, 以及这对休斯顿作为世界皇冠HGA010官方下载生产和分配的领导者意味着什么? Hga010皇冠软件下载如何继续利用政府间的合作和伙伴关系, 行业, 学术界和其他方面应对新的和不断增长的皇冠HGA010官方下载/电力需求? How can Houston continue to lead the way in developing and implementing new technologies and solutions for the dual challenge in a way that creates economic opportunity for all? What does the investment landscape look like for scaling solutions – what is holding back progress? Speakers and additional details to be announced.
For international companies looking to establish a presence in Houston and existing businesses in the region looking to expand their footprint abroad, there are a number of resources that can help.
Stay up-to-date on what’s happening with the Partnership and Greater Houston region by opting-in to receive information on upcoming events, 新闻, 数据发布及更多.